Networks and Associations

Through this collaboration, the FCC, particularly the Investigation Division, has benefited significantly from the IACCC in terms of capacity building, access to specialized expertise, and global intelligence-sharing.

GlobE provides a platform for peer-to-peer information exchange and informal cooperation to better identify, investigate and prosecute cross-border corruption offences and recover stolen assets. FCC was a member of the Steering Committee of the GlobE Network and has also played a leading role in its setting up, namely through contribution to the Expert Group Meeting held and the Interim Task Force set-up to finalize modalities of the Network.

At the level of the FCC, the GlobE Network has allowed for enhanced informal cooperation, better networking with law enforcement agencies, and access to specialized training and capacity-building opportunities for its staff.

The FCC is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA). The IAACA is an independent and non-political anti-corruption organisation with the mandate to promote effective implementation of the UNCAC.

Mauritius is actively contributing to the different initiatives/projects of the IAACA and is also responsible of the Southern African region under the IAACA African States Regional Group.

The FCC is a member of the International Association of Prosecutors (IAP) which is the only worldwide organisation of prosecutors and regularly participates in its events. 

The Réseau Francophone D’éthique et de Déontologie Parlementaire (RFEDP) is a voluntary association of practising professionals of organisations and institutions dealing with the issue of ethics and integrity for Members of Legislative Assemblies. 

The FCC is a founding member of the RFEDP. It was the ‘Administrator’ of the Bureau for two years and is now a ‘membre régulier’ of the Réseau.